Stop-motion Claymation Exercise .
Looking for something to do at home?
Try this home made playdough stop motion exercise.
STOP MOTION: is a film technique where you take one picture at a time of object(s) in different positions - that when played together gives the appearance of movement.
Here is the setup I used to make my movie. I found some items from around the house to use as my background and to prop up my phone.
TIP: Pick a space that has good consistent lighting.
Step 1 Download the stop motion app
Its available for most smart phones, tablets and even some kindles. (The Free version is fine. You can upgrade later if you to want to get all the extra features for just a few $’s)
Once it downloads
Step 2: Double click on the app icon and click the “+” to create a new movie.
Step 3: Get familiar with the interface & features.
The functions will appear differently on tablets vs smart phones. This is the setup on an iPhone. I labeled the most important icons.
Click the “?” and it will highlight all the features with labels, which is a good way to learn what each one is for.
Step 4: Set the frames per second. Slide the the movie speed bar until it reads 5 frames per second. This means that for every second you need to take 5 pictures. The higher the frames per second the smoother the animation will appear - but it will also increase in file size too.
Step 5: Start to play. When you click the camera icon your screen will change to display your animation frame. You will also see a grid that helps you line items up on the screen but will not show up in your movie. Click the red button to take a picture. Then move, mold or change the clay a tiny bit and then take another picture. You can keep changing and moving the clay into different shapes.
*You may notice that there is a slider on the left side of the screen - if you move the slider down it will toggle between your current view and the previous screen. This is very helpful if you happen to bump your device while making your movie, to help you line up your shot again.
Step 6: Review your movie along the way.
To see the movie you have created so far. Click the little white < in the upper left corner of your display screen. This will take you back to the previous screen/ menu.
Click the Arrow button on the bottom right (I labeled this play /stop button in step 3 ) If it is was set to loop in the frames per second menu (From Step 4) it will keep playing over and over. To stop click arrow a second time.
To add more to your movie click the camera icon and keep going.
Step 7: Let your imagination run wild — What story can you tell with the clay? When you are done Click the white < again in the top left of the display screen. (In step 3 it was Labeled Back to Projects. )
This will take you to the project menu screen.
Step 8: Save, Name and Export your movie.
(See image below) You will see the default movie name “My Stop Motion Movie” above a picture of the movie’s first frame. Click on the words “My Stop Motion Movie” and can and should rename your movie.
To export your movie click the icon with the square/arrow icon second from the right and select export movie. Click on Export Movie. Then you can choose where you save your movie. I recommend you choose Save the video which will send the video into photo/videos on your device.
Which leads us to…
Step 9: Share your movie . Show your friends and challenge them to give it a try. We what to see what you make. Tag @memoryvesselstudio on instagram and use #memoryvesselstudioClaymation and we will re-post some of them on our account.
Step 10: Try another movie!!!!
Here’s my homemade playdough Claymation stop-motion movie :
My movie was 5 frames per second (fps) & 167 frames.
We are working to create a self guided course that will teach you how to create stop motion animations a home.
Until this series of workshops are ready we have created a free claymation stop-motion exercise that you can try today.